Insurance For Travel Agents


As is the case with all businesses, travel agents and travel agencies can benefit from carrying business insurance.  We can help, as we provide business insurance for travel agents and travel agencies in California, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, New York, Texas, Washington, and others.

Professional Liability Insurance

Also commonly called errors and omissions insurance, professional liability can protect a travel agent if they are sued by their client for things such as not correctly providing the agreed upon service.  Professional liability is an important type of business insurance for travel agents, as even being accused of making a mistake can lead to costly legal fees. we are able to provide professional liability limits as low as $250K for travel agents and agencies, which can mean rates as low as $270/year.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is something that travel agents and agencies should carry if they have any office where they meet with client in order to protect against claims related to injuries such as the notorious “slip and fall”.  Travel agents who rent their office may be required to carry general liability insurance as part of their lease agreement.

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